Milky Way over Dead Horse Pass

Dead Horse Pass - Star Trails over Colorado River

Arches NP - Star Trails over Park Avenue

Arches NP - Milky Way near SkyLine Arch

Arches NP - Milky Way over SkyLine Arch

Arches NP - Star Trails over Skyline Arch

Arches NP - balance Rock & Milky Way

Arches NP - Balanced Rock & Milky Way

Arches NP - Balanced Rock & Milky Way

Arches NP - Landscape Arch & Moon

Arches NP - Landscape Arch under setting Moon

M81 - Bode's Galaxy Center, M82 - Cigar Galaxy Right &

Garland Galaxy Left

La Sal Mountain Range - Viewed on the way to Dead Horse Point

La Sal Mountain Range - Arches NP

Turret Arch - Arches NP

Turret Arch - Arches NP

Arches NP - Devils Garden Campground

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