M82 - Cigar Galaxy - LRGB & Ha with Celestron Edge 8

M81 & M82 - LRGB & Ha with Askar FRA500

Time to Migrate

Tadpole(NGC1893), SpideR(IC417) & Fly(NGC1931) nebula (From right to Left)

IC1805 - Heart nebula in SHO Hubble palette

Lobster Claw, Bubble & Northern Lagoon Nebula's

Elephant's Trunk nebula

First Light with new Telescope Askar 500/F5.6

North America & Pelican nebula's

Cocoon nebula - IC5146

M16 - The Eagle's Nebula akA Pillar's of Creation

Super Nova in M101


M1 - Crab Nebula

SHO Pallet - Remnant of a Supernova

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) - Jan 17, 2023

20 Minute Time Lapse of Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)

Compressed to 10 seconds

Going Thru Clouds near the end

IC434 - Flame and Horse-head nebulas

3.5 Hrs LRGB & 2.2 Hrs Ha

M45 - Pleiades Star Cluster

(also called The seven sisters)

Lunar Eclipse Nov 8th

M33 - Triangulum Galaxy

NGC7635 - Bubble Nebula

NGC1499 - California nebula

NGC 7380 - Wizard Nebula

M13 - Herculas Globular Cluster

22.2 Thousand Light Years from Earth

Pre Eclipse Double Rainbow - Cherrys Springs

Lunar eclipse from Cherry Springs

Alabama Hills- The Road to Mt Whitney

Alabama Hills towards Mt Whitney

Alabama Hills - Boot Arch

Alabama Hills - Mobious Arch Star Trails

Death Valley - Zabrisky Point Sunrise

Death Valley - Mud cracks

Death Valley Mud Cracks

Assateague NRA - Milky Way over Ocean

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